Monday, June 28, 2021

Field Day 2021

 FARA concluded another successful ARRL Field Day.  Thirty-two members signed in one or more days of the 3 day event.  We operated in Class 1A, multi-operator, single transmitter club station.  863 SSB contacts were made by the eight operators on either 20M, 40M, or 80M.  The contacts provided a claimed score of 1,726.  In addition, we claimed 950 bonus points, for a total claimed score of 2,676.

Based on the scores being posted in near real-time on the online score websites, our modest 2021 operation did very well.

The new communications trailer performed well and was a great operating platform.  The operating stations are comfortable, with plenty of light, ventilation, and power outlets.  We hooked up a cell router to the trailer's network, which provided Internet access to the logging computer.  Ralph, N1YHS, did a fantastic job bringing the trailer project to life.

We enjoyed the usual Saturday evening and Sunday lunch cookouts.  Gene, KX1C, served as grill master.  In addition, Jim, KC1KM, "Killer Mouse Electric Company", assisted by Charlie, K1CB, provided a great breakfast for the Sunday morning crowd.  Jim's electric company provided the generators used during Field Day.

The new location at the Morse Pond School location proved to be a good Field Day site.

The 2021 Field Day operation was modest compared to previous years and the turnout was much lower than usual.  However, given that we are just emerging from the COVID crisis, Field Day 2021 was a successful and enjoyable event.  It was certainly nice to have face to face QSO's!

Thank you to all of the members who turned out to help with setup, operations, and teardown--many hands make light work.

Some images from Field Day 2021: