Friday, August 30, 2024

2024 Falmouth Road Race Support

The 52nd running of the
 Falmouth Road Race was run under cloudy skies with a light drizzle.   Each year the race draws an international field of Olympians, elite, and recreational runners out to enjoy the iconic 7-mile seaside course.   In 2024, there were more than 11,000 runners in the race.  The Falmouth Road Race was established in 1973 and has become one of the premier running events of the summer season. 

Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) once again provided communication support for the race.  Barry, KB1TLR coordinated a team of 28 amateur radio operators.  Our mission was to provide communications between the 4 medical facilities, "along the course" operators for situational awareness, and Net Control. We were be co-located with Fire/Rescue and police supervisors for the Race via the S-39 van at Mariner's Point, allowing serious incidents will be immediately reported. This year, we "shadowed" three Race officials to keep them aware of things happening in our sphere.

FARA's communication trailer, with four net control operators, served as net control. The trailer was stationed at the band shell in Falmouth's Marina Park.

Chris Troyanos, Medical Director, said that our radio team did a super job. To quote: "You and your team did a great job this weekend".

The Falmouth Road Race is one of many public events supported by FARA volunteers throughout the year.  The Cape Cod Marathon in early October is next on the schedule.

Thanks to all of the volunteers: Joan-KC1KZ, Charlie-K1CB, Helen-N1HVB, Frank-WQ1O, Marinna-W1FX, Harold-N1ZTV, Paul-K1COD, Al-WW1RF, Doug-N1OEI, Will-KB1WLY, Barbara-N1BOG, Mark-WA1EXA, Henry-K1WCC, Randy-K1CRO, Andy-K7ADA, Don-K1DCA, Richard-KC1TCA, Tim-W1TCD, Brian-N1RHM, Steve-KC1TMJ, Ralph-N1YHS, Jim-KB1ZJO. John-KC1SAT, Rob-K1UI, Chris-WA1CMR, Dave-KC1RZU, Barry-KB1TLR, Gerry-NB1NNH

(Photos courtesy of Chris-WA1CMR, Frank-WQ1O, Harold-N1ZTV, John-KC1SAT, Will-KB1WLY)

Net Control at Band Shell

Finish Line Medical

Finish Line

Chris-WA1CMR & Chris-Medical Director

Net Control

Trailer Operator Station

FARA Communications Trailer

Water Stop 1

Heights Ball Field