Thursday, June 27, 2024

Field Day 2024

FARA Field Day 2024 was very successful, despite hot, wet weather and relatively poor propagation conditions.  The CW (Morse code) team managed 1,408 contacts, or about 59 contacts per hour!  The SSB (voice) team made 773 contacts, including 17 GOTA (Get On The Air) contacts.  The efforts of several members resulted in bonus points totaling 1,435.  FARA's claimed FD2024 total score is 8,613 points, a significant improvement over the FD2023 score of 6,976 points.

Setup started on Friday, 21 June, at about 1000 at the FARA storage container.  A group of about 9 members showed up, several with trucks.  The equipment was loaded and transported to the Morse Pond School field day location, and unloaded at the trailer and tower sites.

The GOTA antennas and tower were setup.  The CW and SSB tower bases were set and the beam antennas used with those towers were assembled.  The field day area was cordoned off from the rest of the field with a temporary fence and all trip hazards were clearly marked.  Due to the heat, further setup work was postponed until Saturday morning.   

On Saturday morning, the CW and SSB towers were fully raised, dipoles were staked in "inverted V", configuration, coaxial cables were run, and SWR checks were completed.  Jim-KC1KM, "Killer Mouse Electric", brought his generators, which were connected to the trailer.  Field Day operation began at 1400 and continued until 1400 on Sunday, 23 June.

Contacts were made with all ARRL sections, except the US Virgin Islands.  Contacts were also made with 10 of 14 Canadian sections and 9 countries, including China.  FARA's field day performance is a clear demonstration of the ability of amateur radio to effectively communicate over long distances from self-contained, portable stations.

State Representatives David Vieira-KB1QND and Steven Xiarhos visited and "got on the air".  Frank O'Laughlin-WQ1O, Cape Cod ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) DEC also visited.

Rich-KC1TCA, setup an AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Digital Network) demonstration.  AREDN is a relatively new amateur radio activity, making use of amateur radio frequencies and re-purposed Wi-Fi equipment to create ad hoc data networks.

Mike-KC1HKW, provided food enough for the cookout on Saturday afternoon/evening and lunch on Sunday.  Gene-KX1C, assisted by Charlie-K1CB did the cooking.  Jim-KC1KM, provided his traditional sausage and egg breakfast early Sunday morning, which was greatly appreciated by the night crew.

Thirty-six people signed-in on one or more days.  Thanks to their efforts, FARA had another great Field Day:

K1CB-Charlie, K1COD-Paul, K1GAY-Elliot, K1GRH-George, K1RCO-Randy,K1VJ-Martha, K1WCC-Henry, KB1WLY-Will, KC1ELB-Mel, KC1HKW-Mike, KC1KM-Jim, KC1TCA-Rich, KC1TMJ-Steve, KC1TMK-Chris, KC1TNX-Irish, KX1C-Gene, N1BCN-Fred, N1BOG-Barbara, N1GJ-George, N1JCT-Don, N1LYN-Lyn, N1MF-Al, N1MZO-Paul, N1TB-Tom, N1YHS-Ralph, N1ZTV-Harold, W1EEB-Earl, W1FX-Marinna, W1IZZ-Larry, W1KM-Greg, W1NCH-Brent, W1TCD-Tim, W5IPA-Jason, WA1CMR-Chris, WB4KYW-Jay, WX1K-John

Thirteen people submitted Field Day photo's, which were used to create the slideshow on the left lower corner of the FARA website "home" page:

Martha-K1VJ, Will-KB1WLY, Rich-KC1TCA, Steve-KC1TMJ, Chris-KC1TMK,
KX1C-Gene, Lyn-N1LYN, Ralph-N1YHS, Larry-W1IZZ, Tim-W1TCD, Chris-WA1CMR, Frank-WQ1O

Thanks to everyone who contributed to another successful, and fun, FARA Field Day.