Wednesday, May 24, 2023

FARA Field Day 2023 Dedicated to Geoff, W1OH

FARA Field Day 2023 will be dedicated to the memory of Geoff Allsup, W1OH, who passed away unexpectedly earlier this year.  Geoff was a very active ham and managed the GOTA station at Field Day for many years.  He was a member of FARA for nearly 40 years.

Believe it or not, Field Day is less than 30 days away--how did that happen?

Henry, K1WCC and his committee have Field Day preparations well in hand.  Stay tuned for further announcements.  Contact Henry, K1WCC if you are available to help with Field Day

Location: Morse Pond School, front field near the shelters.  Setup 23 June, Operations 24-25 June.  We will be using the comm's trailer as in the past few years.

Stations/Modes: SSB, CW/Digital, and GOTA, 3 tower setup

Generators and Grill: Jim, KC1KM, "Killer Mouse Electric", as in past years

Food: Mike, KC1HKW will purchase food and cook.  Jim, KC1KM, will do breakfast on Sunday am.  Cooking help is always appreciated, as are food donations other than dessert.

Setup:  Setup will start at 1PM on Friday, 23 June.  Pickup trucks are needed to transport gear from storage to Morse Pond.  Assistance in setting up antennas is always needed.  

Operators:  Field Day operations run from 2PM on Saturday, 24 May until 2PM on Sunday, 25 May.  Operators are needed to cover the 24 hour period on both stations, so there are many opportunities to operate--don't be bashful.

Bonus Points:  Field Day scoring includes opportunities for bonus points for completing specific activities, as listed below.  The items in bold need a volunteer.  These items are an easy way to earn score points.

7.3.1. 100% Emergency Power: We are all set using the generator
7.3.2. Media Publicity:  Larry, W1IZZ
7.3.3. Public Location: All Set using the school
7.3.4. Public Information Table: Need a volunteer to setup a table.  W1IZZ has brochures
7.3.5. Message Origination to Section Manager: Need a volunteer, can be done using VHF/VARA/Packet via Winlink
7.3.6. Message Handling: See 7.3.5
7.3.7. Satellite QSO: Need a volunteer
7.3.8. Alternate Power: Henry, K1WCC solar/battery.
7.3.9. W1AW Bulletin:  Larry, W1IZZ will copy digital version, others can also copy
7.3.10. Educational activity bonus: Need a volunteer to create/do an activity
7.3.11. Site Visitation by an elected governmental official: Need volunteer to send/extend  invites
7.3.12. Site Visitation by a representative of an agency: A Falmouth Fire member will be fine
7.3.13. GOTA Bonus (UPDATED FOR 2023):  Need a volunteer
7.3.14. Web submission: We always to this, so okay.
7.3.15. Field Day Youth Participation:  Need a volunteer and some young visitors
7.3.16 Social Media: Larry, W1IZZ will do this7.3.17 Safety Officer Bonus: Mel Trott volunteered

Home Operators:  FARA members who participate in Field Day from their home station can add their scores to the Club score.  They just need to enter the club name, Falmouth Amateur Radio Association, in the club "box" when submitting their score to the ARRL.