Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Ham Clock for your Radio Shack

If you like the "Geochron" style ham clock, but don't like the price, there is free ham clock software available.  Recently, there was a QST article re: building an Arduino based ham clock.  The developer has continued to update the Arduino software and has added the "hooks" to port the software to run under Linux.  This means the software can also be run on Windows using the Windows Sub-system for Linux (WSL).  The instructions are on the developer's website: https://clearskyinstitute.com/ham/HamClock/

An example of the Windows display is shown below.  It can be setup to be accessible by web browser.  Basically free--just setup WSL, load Debian, download, make and load the app.  I used the directions on the developer's web site under the "User Contributed" tab, "More tips for Executing and Displaying Ham Clock on Windows 10".