Are you available on any of these dates and times?
Each day is broken into two sessions. The first runs 9:30 am through 4 :00 pm and the second runs 3:30 pm through 10:00 pm. The overlap is to help the new arrivals for the 2nd session learn what had been working during the first session so they could continue. The sessions are named Session 1 and Session 2.
Here is where we need volunteers as of right now:
Monday, Sept 19, session 1 - need 2 people
Monday, Sept 19, session 2 - need 3 people
Tuesday, Sept 20, session 2 - need 3 people
Sunday, Sept 25, session 2 - need 3 people
Tuesday, Sept 27, session 2 - need 4 people
Friday, Sept 30, session 2 - need 3 people
Saturday, Oct 1, session 1 - needs 1 person
Sunday, Oct 2 (Final Day), session 1 - needs 2 people
Sunday, Oct 2 (Final session), session 2 - needs 2 people
Are you available to help? If yes, please volunteer or add a session to what you have already volunteered for.
As a reminder, everyone that volunteers gets their Big E fairgrounds parking reimbursed and their admission reimbursed (or free tickets provided to them).
Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9_iH1ZucHuCFCNwreEuVPWnmLOT5D_s92vHPuEUASS78Tew/viewform
Learn more here: https://nediv.arrl.org/project-big-e
I hope you are available to help us lock in these last few days of the schedule for the ham radio booth.
Thank you and 73,
Larry, W1AST