Thursday, March 31, 2022

Field Day 2022 - June 25/26 - Save the Day

Field Day 2022 is not far away
.  The current plan is to operate from the field at the Morse Pond School, as we did last year.  We will also operate from the communications trailer, as we did last year.

The tentative plan is to operate CW, phone, and GOTA stations.  In order to make this happen we need volunteers to fill the following positions:

CW Station Captain - Sets up CW station, recruits and manages operators

SSB Station Captain - Sets up SSB station, recruits and manages operators

GOTA Station Captain - Sets up GOTA station, recruits and manages operators

Field Setup/Teardown Coordinator - Recruits setup/teardown volunteers and supervises setup and teardown

Food/Beverage Coordinator - Purchases food/beverages, recruits volunteers to cook (Henry, K1WCC has volunteered for this position)

In addition, we need volunteers for the setup and teardown crews.

Field Day setup takes place on 25 June, with operation on 25-26 June, and teardown on 26 June.

Please contact me if you want to volunteer, or you have any questions concerning Field Day.


Larry, W1IZZ