Monday, July 22, 2024

Intro to Ham Radio at MA Maritime ASLP Camp

Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) and Barnstable Amateur Radio Club (BARC) members gave an Introduction to Amateur Radio presentation as part of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy's Advanced Studies and Leadership (ASLP) camp. The presentation was held in the Academy’s new conference center with approximately 180 students in attendance.

The presentations included:
  • What is Ham Radio - An overview of the many facets of amateur radio
  • Emergency Communications (EmComm) - Amateur Radio's role in emergency communications in events such as a hurricane.
  • Amateur Satellites - An overview of the satellite communication facet of amateur radio, focusing on Cube Satellites, several of which have been built by students
In addition, two "Get On The Air" (GOTA) stations were setup. These stations allowed students to make radio contacts and to see amateur radio in action. The VHF station contacted several FARA members on the N1YHS repeater. The HF station made several contacts, including contacts with amateur radio stations in Bulgaria, Italy and Nova Scotia.
The students in the ASLP camp were very attentive and asked a number of good questions.

Thanks to BARC members: Bruce Semple-WA3SWJ, Norm Cantin-WA1NLG, Rob Leiden-K1UI, Lem Skidmore-W1LEM and FARA members: Chris Ranney-WA1CMR, Ralph Swenson-N1YHS for their work on this presentation/demonstration.
( based on Chris-WA1CMR's Facebook post)

(photos from Facebook post)

Bruce-WA3SWJ (standing) and Rob-K1UI

Rob-K1UI and Lem-W1LEM assisting with HF GOTA station

Bruce-WA3SWJ, Rob-K1UI, Ralph-N1YHS, Chris-WA1CMR setting up

Go Kit and CubeSat simulator    

Chris-WA1CMR,Lem-W1LEM, Bruce-WA3SWJ setting up

Lem-W1LEM, Rob-K1UI demo'ing HF ops

Ralph-N1YHS, Chris WA1CMR operating VHF GOTA station

Bruce-WA3SWJ demo'ing CubeSat's

Friday, July 12, 2024

Technician License Class--Sep. 13-15

Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) is offering a Technician license class in September.  Class details are shown below.

Technician Class License Course:

Dates: Sept. 13 - 15, 2024

Class Times: Friday: Sept. 13, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM; Saturday: Sept. 14,  8:00 AM – 5:00 PM ; Sunday:  Sept. 15, 8:00 AM – Noon, Lunch break and Test Session

(Please sign up by September 4th, to receive your study guides and materials in time for you to properly prepare for the class.)

Exam: Sunday, Sep. 15 after class

Location: Falmouth Fire Station, Main Street, 2nd Floor, EOC Room

Text: Provided

Course Fee: $50

The course fee includes the following:

  • Fifteen hours of classroom instruction
  • ARRL Course Manual
  • Online test practice and tutoring
  • Refreshments
  • Access to instructors for questions & tutoring
  • License exam
  • 1-year membership with FARA
  • Admission to the next FARA Fest
  • VHF/UHF handheld radio (if the student passes the examination).

This is a great value for anyone seeking to get their license, as the total cost of the individual items is well over $100.

Contact Charlie Bresnahan, K1CB via email at: kilo1cb at for further information.  See for complete details.