Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Cape Cod Marathon 2024 Comm Support

Cape Cod Marathon Weekend includes a Marathon, a Marathon Relay, a Half Marathon, and a 5km. The Clam Chowdah Challenge is for runners who would like to run both the Marathon and the Half Marathon in the same weekend, for a total of 39.3 miles. The courses run along Vineyard Sound and beautiful coastal roads on the Upper Cape.
Communications support for the races was organized by Barry, KB1TLR.  The FARA Communications Trailer was used as the radio net control point.  On Saturday and Sunday, local amateur radio volunteers operated from 33 positions along the courses, to provide communication support. The wind off the water was brisk at the positions along the water.
Tired runners were assisted, as well as people in serious medical need. On Saturday, one runner suffered a possible heart attack. 911 was called in to assist.  Hopefully, everything turned out well for him. There were also other runners with less serious medical situations that were aided. Sunday was busier, both with tired runner assists and medical assists.
The organizing committee, the runners, their families / friends, and everyone involved with the marathon sends their thanks to the amateur radio volunteers. Once again, amateur radio successfully provided an important public service to the local community. 
List of amateur radio volunteers:  
Barry-KB1TLR, Gerald-KB1NNH, Charlie-KB1CB, Frank-WQ1O, Ralph-N1YHS, Phil-KB1DOS, Henry-K1WCC, Jim-KB1ZJO, Matt-KB1MLP, Gene-KX1C, Scott-KE1CN, Paul-NM1Z, Harold-N1ZTV, Tim-W1TCD, Andy-K7ADA, Mel-K1ELB, Al-N1MF, Randy-K1RCO, Chris-WA1CMR, Irish-KC1TNX, Djjc, Don-KT1OK, hatobet1340, John-KC1SAT, Will-KB1WLY, Steve-KC1TMJ, Doug-N1OEI, Dan-KC1GOQ 

Photos courtesy: John-KC1SAT, Frank-WQ1O, Chris-WA1CMR, CC Marathon FB group

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

FARA FEST 2024 - November 2

 The annual FARA Fest is scheduled for November 2, 2024, 9AM to Noon, at the Upper Cape Regional Vocational Technical School.   

See the FARA Fest Flyer for details:

Friday, August 30, 2024

2024 Falmouth Road Race Support

The 52nd running of the
 Falmouth Road Race was run under cloudy skies with a light drizzle.   Each year the race draws an international field of Olympians, elite, and recreational runners out to enjoy the iconic 7-mile seaside course.   In 2024, there were more than 11,000 runners in the race.  The Falmouth Road Race was established in 1973 and has become one of the premier running events of the summer season. 

Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) once again provided communication support for the race.  Barry, KB1TLR coordinated a team of 28 amateur radio operators.  Our mission was to provide communications between the 4 medical facilities, "along the course" operators for situational awareness, and Net Control. We were be co-located with Fire/Rescue and police supervisors for the Race via the S-39 van at Mariner's Point, allowing serious incidents will be immediately reported. This year, we "shadowed" three Race officials to keep them aware of things happening in our sphere.

FARA's communication trailer, with four net control operators, served as net control. The trailer was stationed at the band shell in Falmouth's Marina Park.

Chris Troyanos, Medical Director, said that our radio team did a super job. To quote: "You and your team did a great job this weekend".

The Falmouth Road Race is one of many public events supported by FARA volunteers throughout the year.  The Cape Cod Marathon in early October is next on the schedule.

Thanks to all of the volunteers: Joan-KC1KZ, Charlie-K1CB, Helen-N1HVB, Frank-WQ1O, Marinna-W1FX, Harold-N1ZTV, Paul-K1COD, Al-WW1RF, Doug-N1OEI, Will-KB1WLY, Barbara-N1BOG, Mark-WA1EXA, Henry-K1WCC, Randy-K1CRO, Andy-K7ADA, Don-K1DCA, Richard-KC1TCA, Tim-W1TCD, Brian-N1RHM, Steve-KC1TMJ, Ralph-N1YHS, Jim-KB1ZJO. John-KC1SAT, Rob-K1UI, Chris-WA1CMR, Dave-KC1RZU, Barry-KB1TLR, Gerry-NB1NNH

(Photos courtesy of Chris-WA1CMR, Frank-WQ1O, Harold-N1ZTV, John-KC1SAT, Will-KB1WLY)

Net Control at Band Shell

Finish Line Medical

Finish Line

Chris-WA1CMR & Chris-Medical Director

Net Control

Trailer Operator Station

FARA Communications Trailer

Water Stop 1

Heights Ball Field

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sandwich Fire Disaster Exercise

The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) communication trailer, along with Chris Ranney-WA1CMR, Jeremy Cadrin-WA1JRC, and Ralph Swenson-N1YHS, participated in an exercise for the Sandwich Fire Department on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. Amateur radio operators from the area also participated. The exercise was designed to simulate an earthquake that damaged the public safety radio infrastructure, causing a communication outage within the town and the surrounding area.

Amateur radio equipment was deployed, using simplex channels in both the 2M and 440 bands.  Communication was tested between the HQ Fire Station on Cotuit Road, and designated areas throughout the town. A Command Center was established, consisting of an operations tent with a portable station and the FARA communication trailer.  A radio equipped vehicle traveled to designated locations, and tested communication with the Command Center. Communication quality was tested on both bands. Where terrain or distance restricted communication, an mobile amateur radio operator, parked at one of the high points in town, relayed the message traffic.  Jeremy-WA1JRC and Dennis-N1RDN manned the mobile vehicles. 

Reliable communication was achieved either directly, or through relays, without the use of repeaters or large towers.  The exercise provided an effective demonstration of amateur radio's capability to be quickly deployed in an emergency, in support of public safety operations within a community. Many of the people present at the exercise were impressed with the professionalism and capabilities of the local amateur radio community..

The FARA communication trailer was showcased to all those present at the exercise, as part of the capabilities that FARA and other local amateur operators can offer for support when requested. 

(Exercise report supplied by Ralph, N1YHS)

(photos courtesy of Chris-WA1CMR and Ralph-N1YHS)

Jerry-N1RXZ, Chris-WA1CMR, Mike-Director of Sandwich CERT

Command Center-tent and FARA trailer

Command Center-tent and FARA trailer

Monday, July 22, 2024

Intro to Ham Radio at MA Maritime ASLP Camp

Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) and Barnstable Amateur Radio Club (BARC) members gave an Introduction to Amateur Radio presentation as part of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy's Advanced Studies and Leadership (ASLP) camp. The presentation was held in the Academy’s new conference center with approximately 180 students in attendance.

The presentations included:
  • What is Ham Radio - An overview of the many facets of amateur radio
  • Emergency Communications (EmComm) - Amateur Radio's role in emergency communications in events such as a hurricane.
  • Amateur Satellites - An overview of the satellite communication facet of amateur radio, focusing on Cube Satellites, several of which have been built by students
In addition, two "Get On The Air" (GOTA) stations were setup. These stations allowed students to make radio contacts and to see amateur radio in action. The VHF station contacted several FARA members on the N1YHS repeater. The HF station made several contacts, including contacts with amateur radio stations in Bulgaria, Italy and Nova Scotia.
The students in the ASLP camp were very attentive and asked a number of good questions.

Thanks to BARC members: Bruce Semple-WA3SWJ, Norm Cantin-WA1NLG, Rob Leiden-K1UI, Lem Skidmore-W1LEM and FARA members: Chris Ranney-WA1CMR, Ralph Swenson-N1YHS for their work on this presentation/demonstration.
( based on Chris-WA1CMR's Facebook post)

(photos from Facebook post)

Bruce-WA3SWJ (standing) and Rob-K1UI

Rob-K1UI and Lem-W1LEM assisting with HF GOTA station

Bruce-WA3SWJ, Rob-K1UI, Ralph-N1YHS, Chris-WA1CMR setting up

Go Kit and CubeSat simulator    

Chris-WA1CMR,Lem-W1LEM, Bruce-WA3SWJ setting up

Lem-W1LEM, Rob-K1UI demo'ing HF ops

Ralph-N1YHS, Chris WA1CMR operating VHF GOTA station

Bruce-WA3SWJ demo'ing CubeSat's

Friday, July 12, 2024

Technician License Class--Sep. 13-15

Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) is offering a Technician license class in September.  Class details are shown below.

Technician Class License Course:

Dates: Sept. 13 - 15, 2024

Class Times: Friday: Sept. 13, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM; Saturday: Sept. 14,  8:00 AM – 5:00 PM ; Sunday:  Sept. 15, 8:00 AM – Noon, Lunch break and Test Session

(Please sign up by September 4th, to receive your study guides and materials in time for you to properly prepare for the class.)

Exam: Sunday, Sep. 15 after class

Location: Falmouth Fire Station, Main Street, 2nd Floor, EOC Room

Text: Provided

Course Fee: $50

The course fee includes the following:

  • Fifteen hours of classroom instruction
  • ARRL Course Manual
  • Online test practice and tutoring
  • Refreshments
  • Access to instructors for questions & tutoring
  • License exam
  • 1-year membership with FARA
  • Admission to the next FARA Fest
  • VHF/UHF handheld radio (if the student passes the examination).

This is a great value for anyone seeking to get their license, as the total cost of the individual items is well over $100.

Contact Charlie Bresnahan, K1CB via email at: kilo1cb at aol.com for further information.  See https://www.falara.org/exams-classes/license-classes for complete details.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Field Day 2024

FARA Field Day 2024 was very successful, despite hot, wet weather and relatively poor propagation conditions.  The CW (Morse code) team managed 1,408 contacts, or about 59 contacts per hour!  The SSB (voice) team made 773 contacts, including 17 GOTA (Get On The Air) contacts.  The efforts of several members resulted in bonus points totaling 1,435.  FARA's claimed FD2024 total score is 8,613 points, a significant improvement over the FD2023 score of 6,976 points.

Setup started on Friday, 21 June, at about 1000 at the FARA storage container.  A group of about 9 members showed up, several with trucks.  The equipment was loaded and transported to the Morse Pond School field day location, and unloaded at the trailer and tower sites.

The GOTA antennas and tower were setup.  The CW and SSB tower bases were set and the beam antennas used with those towers were assembled.  The field day area was cordoned off from the rest of the field with a temporary fence and all trip hazards were clearly marked.  Due to the heat, further setup work was postponed until Saturday morning.   

On Saturday morning, the CW and SSB towers were fully raised, dipoles were staked in "inverted V", configuration, coaxial cables were run, and SWR checks were completed.  Jim-KC1KM, "Killer Mouse Electric", brought his generators, which were connected to the trailer.  Field Day operation began at 1400 and continued until 1400 on Sunday, 23 June.

Contacts were made with all ARRL sections, except the US Virgin Islands.  Contacts were also made with 10 of 14 Canadian sections and 9 countries, including China.  FARA's field day performance is a clear demonstration of the ability of amateur radio to effectively communicate over long distances from self-contained, portable stations.

State Representatives David Vieira-KB1QND and Steven Xiarhos visited and "got on the air".  Frank O'Laughlin-WQ1O, Cape Cod ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) DEC also visited.

Rich-KC1TCA, setup an AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Digital Network) demonstration.  AREDN is a relatively new amateur radio activity, making use of amateur radio frequencies and re-purposed Wi-Fi equipment to create ad hoc data networks.

Mike-KC1HKW, provided food enough for the cookout on Saturday afternoon/evening and lunch on Sunday.  Gene-KX1C, assisted by Charlie-K1CB did the cooking.  Jim-KC1KM, provided his traditional sausage and egg breakfast early Sunday morning, which was greatly appreciated by the night crew.

Thirty-six people signed-in on one or more days.  Thanks to their efforts, FARA had another great Field Day:

K1CB-Charlie, K1COD-Paul, K1GAY-Elliot, K1GRH-George, K1RCO-Randy,K1VJ-Martha, K1WCC-Henry, KB1WLY-Will, KC1ELB-Mel, KC1HKW-Mike, KC1KM-Jim, KC1TCA-Rich, KC1TMJ-Steve, KC1TMK-Chris, KC1TNX-Irish, KX1C-Gene, N1BCN-Fred, N1BOG-Barbara, N1GJ-George, N1JCT-Don, N1LYN-Lyn, N1MF-Al, N1MZO-Paul, N1TB-Tom, N1YHS-Ralph, N1ZTV-Harold, W1EEB-Earl, W1FX-Marinna, W1IZZ-Larry, W1KM-Greg, W1NCH-Brent, W1TCD-Tim, W5IPA-Jason, WA1CMR-Chris, WB4KYW-Jay, WX1K-John

Thirteen people submitted Field Day photo's, which were used to create the slideshow on the left lower corner of the FARA website "home" page:

Martha-K1VJ, Will-KB1WLY, Rich-KC1TCA, Steve-KC1TMJ, Chris-KC1TMK,
KX1C-Gene, Lyn-N1LYN, Ralph-N1YHS, Larry-W1IZZ, Tim-W1TCD, Chris-WA1CMR, Frank-WQ1O

Thanks to everyone who contributed to another successful, and fun, FARA Field Day.